We are pleased to extend this invitation to the Maritime Medicine Forum where our partner Gustavo Omaña Parés will have active participation in the program with his conference Labor Rights of sea people in Pandemic Times.

About the Forum

In order to develop an updated approach to Maritime Health from a perspective of Clinical Evidence and International Maritime Law, this Forum will be held remotely on 11 and 12 December, from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm Venezuelan time.

Access is free and the PDF Program is available at this link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o3PAPgnggsluS03BND8MPZ0VYx_EKF8b/view

The registration link is https://bit.ly/3qfRRsz


  • Dr. Mario Comegna, Infectologist/Internist
  • Dr. Julio Castro, Infectologo/Internista
  • Dr. Gerardo Casanova, Gastroenterologist/Internist
  • Dr Olaf Jensen, Danish Maritime Health Association
  • Dra. Francis Baptista, Surgeon
  • Dr. Fernando Rodriguez, Cardiologist
  • Dr. David Martin, Obstetra Gynecology
  • Dra. Maite Duque, Emergenciologist/Maritíma Medicine, President Venezuelan Society of Maritime Medicine
  • C.A. Luis Mérida Galindo, Ambassador Omi-Venezuela
  • Dr. Gustavo Omaña,International Maritime Law
  • Dr. Guillermo Riut, Rector Universidad Marítima Del Caribe
  • Dr. Ivan Sabatino Pizzolante, International Maritime Law
  • Dra. Maria Grazia Blanco, Vice President, Ibero-American Institute of Maritime Law, Venezuelan Branch


  • Dr. Ramon López, Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation S.V.M.M.
  • Dr. Daniel Perez, Lawyer


  • Venezuelan Society of Maritime Medicine
  • Ibero-American Institute of Maritime Law, Venezuelan Branch
  • Caribbean Maritime University