Girán Lawyers & Associates: Partner Publications

Assets beyond legal practice

Complementing their legal practice, GA&A lawyers generate writings on the exercise of law in Venezuela, opinions on the changing legal environment, and other publications within the framework of teaching or supporting trade union organizations.


They are occasional publications aimed at clients and managers of Human Resources (HR), aimed at facilitating the practical interpretation of labor provisions, decisions given by administrative bodies, courts and the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ).

Here is a selection of the latest…

Juristips of Girán Abogados & Asociados

Academic publications

They are texts that delve into some of the specialties of law.

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Study of the Maritime Labour Regime in Venezuela (2018)

Dr. Gustavo Adolfo Omaña Parés

Gustavo Omaña - Régimen del Trabajo Marítimo en Venezuela

The book addresses the employment relationship that arises on the occasion of navigation on merchant ships, linking the sea man in its broadest spectrum with the employer in its many forms and denominations, using the careful analysis of the international regulations contained in the IMO/ILO instruments, and the always imperfect national regulations.


Bibliographic Memory of Venezuelan Maritime, Fisheries and Port Law (2016)

Dr. Gustavo Adolfo Omaña Parés

Gustavo Omaña - Memoria Bibliográfica del Derecho Marítimo

A work that systematizes the intellectual production of Venezuelans and non-Venezuelans on intimately related topics (sea, port, fishing and coastal) and environmental addition, published in Venezuela, and Venezuelans published abroad that we predict will begin to expand by its universal vocation.