Alicia González Quintero
Tax and Customs Law
Head of the Department of Tax and Customs Law of GIRAN ABOGADOS & ASOCIADOS, focusing his practice on Tax, Customs and Maritime Law; tax advice and planning to private companies and public tax governances; management, review and administration of company contracts. He has more than 20 years of experience in tax, customs and maritime matters.
- Specialist in Comprehensive Tax Management by the National School of
Administration and Public Finance (ENAHP), 2009. - Specialization in International Maritime Trade, mention maritime law of the School of Higher Studies of the Merchant Navy (EESMM) of the Maritime University of the Caribbean (UMC), (pending thesis).
- Course in Geology and Environmental Impact of the School of Higher Studies of the Merchant Navy (EESMM), 1992.
- Lawyer graduated from the Central University of Venezuela (UCV), 1990.
Prior to joining GIRON ABOGADOS & ASOCIADOS Alicia worked as a Claims Analyst within Insurance Security (1988 – 1991). Then, in the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic (PGR) he began as Lawyer, Advocate Inspector, Chief Lawyer of SAPER and Director of Litigation within the Sectoral Directorate General of Public Finance of the PGR (1994 – 2001).
He had a long career within the Administrative Political Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) as An Assistant Advocate, Deputy Advocate and finally as Assistant Advocate of the Chamber (2002 – 2015).
She is a Guest Professor of Customs Procedures and Procedures, Customs Law I, II and III, Tax Control and Transfer Price at the National School of Administration and Public Finance (ENAHP).
- Illustrious Bar Association of Caracas (1991).
- Spanish
- English